Currently looking to acquire or partner with an accounting/tax preparation firm in the Los Angeles & Chicago area.

What I Do


With my Business Partners, we:

  • Acquire businesses

  • Partner with Businesses Owners who are ready to exit but want to remain owners.


I assist with mergers.

These are three benefits of doing a merger:

  • Quick scale

  • Instant resource allocation

  • Alleviating workload from an owner/operator


I assist in implementing financial engineering.

These are some examples:

  • Cash flow issues

  • Increase revenue

  • Accounting procedures

  • Streamline Bookkeeping


  • I have been a small Business Owner for 15 years. I have experienced the pain and rode the emotional rollercoasters. I have the emotional and physical capacity to manage a business and the people in it. I am also a part of a large network of Business Investors; allowing me to work with Business Partners that are working professionals in their sector or who are experienced Business Owners in multiple sectors.

  • These are some reasons: illness, divorce, home relocation, loosing location where business resides and moving is not cost effective, changes in the community or country that impact businesses, new technologies, over saturated market, cash flow problems, overwhelmed with stress or because they switched focus to a new investment or business.

  • One way to free yourself from the day-to-day operational tasks of your business is to merge with a business like yours that already has all task delegations in place. The reason a Business Owner(s) would want to merge with you is because you have something they don’t or they would simply like that they would grow by doing so. It’s important to make rapport a priority with the Business Owner(s) you will merge your business with. As the saying goes - a contract is only as good as the person who signed it.

  • Some Business Owners avoid making needed changes by doubting every solution and never taking action. Unhelpful habits and expenses go unchecked and unwillingness to consider new technology or new solutions to old problems.

  • My priority before talking about acquiring a business is to build rapport with the Business Owner(s). Working together on a common goal is my ideal way to get to know someone. With this experience we both win because we become a part of each other’s network. You may refer me to someone who is ready to exit, and I may make a connection for you. I am open to an assistance compensation option such as: a monthly salary or hourly wage, bonus based on performance or becoming a shareholder with an option for a buy out at anytime.

  • First, I look at the age, size, annual sales figures and area of the business. Then, through rapport building with my Business Partners and the Business Owner(s); I ask to understand the reasons from the Owner(s) for selling. Also, I like to understand the current challenges within the business. With my Business Partners, we will put together an offer to present to the Owner(s) and go from there.